Path Finder

Frequently Asked Questions

The batteries provided are rechargeable. A recharging cable and wall plug is included in the package (EU, UK, or US type). So, based on the delivery location we will choose the plug to include in the parcel sent to you. If you have specific requirements for this, you can always let us know.

We recommend charging Path Finder overnight. You will see a red light come on when charging starts, and once it changes to green the device is fully charged. This generally takes a few hours.

This will depend on how much you walk each day. Our users generally report having to charge Path Finder every 2-3 days. However, if you are unsure, we recommend that you charge it every night to ensure that it has enough battery to help you the following day.

Many shoes are suitable for Path Finder, such as trainers, loafers, or boots. However, we recommend that Path Finder is worn on relatively hard and flat shoes, or shoes only containing a very small heel. In addition, Path Finder is not suitable for shoes that fit loosely on the foot, such as flip-flops or indoor slippers with no heel cap.

Path Finder is splash resistant and will repel light splashes of water such as rain. However, it should never be submerged in water.

We have three different sizes for Path Finder: Medium, Large and Extra-Large. View our Size Guide to find out which size is right for you.

Yes. The additional straps are available on our shop page.

Path Finder will last minimum 2-3 years. This all depends on how much they are being used.

Path Finder LaserShoes works because it is based on visual cueing. If visual cueing helps you, then Path Finder will work for you. Below are two questions you can ask yourself to find out if Path Finder will help you:

Does taking the stairs seems easier than walking on the floor?

If someone places their foot in front of mine, does it help overcome my freezing?

If you can say yes to any of the 2 questions above, that's an indication that Path Finder's visual cues will help you and reduce freezing of gait.

The great thing about this technology is that, unlike drug treatment, there are no side effects to worry about. You can freely use Path Finder without being concerned about anything affecting you negatively. No adverse events have ever been reported by our users.

You can not adjust the laser brightness. The reason is that Walk With Path are bound by safe laser regulations. Therefore, we are not able to include a brighter laser in the product. Because of the regulatory limitations to the brightness, it may be hard to see the visual cue in bright sunlight. However, a lot of our users report regular use in outdoor environments.

You can easily use Path Finder with a cane, a walker or on its own. In other words, because it is hands free, it can be used with and without other aids.

In addition, a lot of our users report that Path Finder is a more affordable addition to their walker or cane than having to replace their walker or cane with a version including a laser.

Practice makes perfect.

How to use the LaserShoes.

Download the Manual