We are proud to announce that Walk With Path is officially part of the AgeTech Collaborative by AARP, an innovative platform where AgeTech startups are focusing on tackling some of the toughest challenges in Aging.
"The products of Walk With Path have a great deal of potential for supporting more active lives among the elderly, while simultaneously reducing pressure on the Japanese healthcare system."
"The long term vision for Walk With Path is to be the leading smart insole on the market, whereby we utilise our leading AI gait analysis to improve the health and lives of older people worldwide. "
"Future Care Capital trustee Lise Pape founded her own company Walk With Path which manufactures assistive technology for people with mobility problems."

"Lise is being backed to develop a first-of-its-kind medical device – Path Feel – a smart insole which aims to improve mobility for older people suffering from chronic conditions such as Parkinson’s."
"We're pleased to present Innovate UK's Women in Innovation Awards 2020/21 winners, 40 female entrepreneurs making the world of 2021 a better place."
"Meet Walk With Path, the mobility-focused startup and healthtech award winner. The HealthTech Networking Club connects key players in the Healthtech industry."